The emotive subject of parents or guardians removing their children from school to go on holiday is back in the media. Would you take your children out of school for a holiday?
A Headteacher in Essex has introduced an “enrichment week” which enables parents and guardians to allow their students to enjoy “worthwhile” and “affordable” experiences during term time. Families will be able to enjoy anything they chose during this week but we are sure many will use the opportunity to go abroad and take advantage of lower cost holidays in comparison to those available during the school holidays. There are some rules around the “enrichment week”, pupils must have a minimum attendance of 92% and when they return to school they must demonstrate what they have learned from the experience.
Official statistics show that unauthorised absences are on the rise across the UK and many Parents are prepared to pay the potential £60 fine, particularly as they are saving far more by choosing to go away outside of the peak season.
We are told that evidence shows that there is a strong link between attendance and attainment whilst some argue that you don’t have to be in a classroom to learn.
Are you currently looking to book a family holiday? We’d love to help, you can either give us a call on 0800 810 8404 or send a travel enquiry to get in touch.
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