Mike was born there, he left when he was 13 years old, so I’m fascinated to see what he remembers by visiting the family’s old haunts and what has changed over the decades since they moved to the UK. March is also the 20th anniversary of when we first met and Mike’s birthday, so it’s going to be a very special week for the two of us.
At the moment we’re working in excess of 80 hours a week booking fabulous holidays for our clients, and enjoying all the buzz of peaks. Mike has declared tomorrow, Sunday a day of no work, on pain of death! It’s the first day we’ve taken off since our holiday to Norway in December. We need 24 hours time out, in which to catch up with our personal life and jobs around the home.
This trip, we’ve booked British Airways flights from Madrid, via London to Hong topamax online Kong. I’m looking forward to flying British Airways again, although the aircraft seemed a bit jaded in comparison to Qatar we flew to Cape Town with last year. Our BA flights to and from Las Vegas in November were both on old aircraft with dated technology.
I hope to have time to pick up some Harrods tea bags in transit through London, one of my treats, when we fly into the UK’s capital. We’re also tacking a few nights in Madrid on to the end of the trip, to recover from any jet lag.
I’ve refrained from planning a full itinerary for Hong Kong, we have a week for Mike to re-discover the city of his birth. At one stage I was tempted to squeeze in a second destination, but I’ve waited long enough for this trip, so Hong Kong has our full attention.